Tips for Working at Home With Your Chiropractor
When the global COVID-19 pandemic first struck, many of us quickly found ourselves having to shift from working at an office to working from home, in hopes of limiting the spread of disease by creating less close contact. As we continue to move forward with COVID still intertwined in some way with our daily lives, some of us have not returned to the office and continue to work from home, and in many cases will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While some people may find this to be quite beneficial and have had no problem adapting to this new lifestyle, others may find that working from home is causing them some issues that they didn’t have, or didn’t previously notice when working in an office setting.
These problems can be related to the stresses of the work itself, or they can also be attributed to the new mental and physical obstacles that have begun to pop up as we spend more time at home. A lot of these concerns already existed when working at the office anyways, but working from home can increase their frequency or cause them to worsen altogether. Chiropractors treat patients all the time who are dealing with the bodily stresses that an office setting can create. The good news is that there are measures that can be taken so that you feel less discomfort when working from home, and in turn might even help you be more productive as well. We have compiled a list of our three most helpful tips to consider when working from home.
Exercise Your Body Regularly
Sitting still for many hours and constantly staring at the screens of our computers can have quite a few negative consequences for our physical and mental well-being. When working at home, we might often choose to avoid or just simply forget to take natural breaks that might present themselves more conveniently in an office environment. Gathering at the water cooler with colleagues, walking over to the printer, or simply just commuting to work itself are all situations that will cease to occur when working from your home office. Regular breaks to move our bodies are crucial because it allows us to stretch, relax our mind, and increase blood flow throughout our body. It is important to set reminders for yourself to move your body while working. If you find yourself getting easily wrapped up in your work, consider setting alarms or reminders for yourself to get up and move around. Whether it’s simple stretching exercises or going to make a cup of coffee, some form of consistent movement throughout the day is better than none at all. Outside of work hours we also encourage you to partake in 30 minutes to one hour of vigorous exercise daily for further physical and mental stimulation that gets neglected while at work.
Avoid Stress
Believe it or not, the functions of your mind can have a direct correlation with the well-being of the rest of your body. Avoiding and reducing stress is one of the best ways to ensure that your physical well-being maintains a healthy level too. Stress can cause all types of negative physical changes within the body. Some of the most common physical side effects of stress include headaches, muscle tension or pain, and fatigue. Inevitably we all face stressful situations stemming from our work life, however it is something that should not be ignored. Some ways to reduce stress include focused deep breathing exercises, simply taking a walk, and partaking in leisure activities.
Receive Regular Chiropractic Care
Postural problems related to sitting for long periods of time are some of the most common ailments that all chiropractors will regularly treat. People who work in an office setting, and ones who now work from home, can typically benefit from receiving regular chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic care involves using a broad range of techniques to ensure that the spine is in alignment, which also helps in keeping the rest of your bodily functions working properly and effectively. Many of the aches and pains you might be experiencing from your desk job can be addressed through regular sessions and adjustments with a chiropractor. Our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson has over 30 years of professional experience treating ailments stemming from the workplace environment. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment, we highly encourage you to reach out to us. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!