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Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Tips for Working at Home With Your Chiropractor

When the global COVID-19 pandemic first struck, many of us quickly found ourselves having to shift from working at an office to working from home, in hopes of limiting the spread of disease by creating less close contact. As we continue to move forward with COVID still intertwined in some way with our daily lives, some of us have not returned to the office and continue to work from home, and in many cases will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While some people may find this to be quite beneficial and have had no problem adapting to this new lifestyle, others may find that working from home is causing them some issues that they didn’t have, or didn’t previously notice when working in an office setting. 

These problems can be related to the stresses of the work itself, or they can also be attributed to the new mental and physical obstacles that have begun to pop up as we spend more time at home. A lot of these concerns already existed when working at the office anyways, but working from home can increase their frequency or cause them to worsen altogether. Chiropractors treat patients all the time who are dealing with the bodily stresses that an office setting can create. The good news is that there are measures that can be taken so that you feel less discomfort when working from home, and in turn might even help you be more productive as well. We have compiled a list of our three most helpful tips to consider when working from home. 

Exercise Your Body Regularly 

Sitting still for many hours and constantly staring at the screens of our computers can have quite a few negative consequences for our physical and mental well-being. When working at home, we might often choose to avoid or just simply forget to take natural breaks that might present themselves more conveniently in an office environment. Gathering at the water cooler with colleagues, walking over to the printer, or simply just commuting to work itself are all situations that will cease to occur when working from your home office. Regular breaks to move our bodies are crucial because it allows us to stretch, relax our mind, and increase blood flow throughout our body. It is important to set reminders for yourself to move your body while working. If you find yourself getting easily wrapped up in your work, consider setting alarms or reminders for yourself to get up and move around. Whether it’s simple stretching exercises or going to make a cup of coffee, some form of consistent movement throughout the day is better than none at all. Outside of work hours we also encourage you to partake in 30 minutes to one hour of vigorous exercise daily for further physical and mental stimulation that gets neglected while at work. 

Avoid Stress

Believe it or not, the functions of your mind can have a direct correlation with the well-being of the rest of your body. Avoiding and reducing stress is one of the best ways to ensure that your physical well-being maintains a healthy level too. Stress can cause all types of negative physical changes within the body. Some of the most common physical side effects of stress include headaches, muscle tension or pain, and fatigue. Inevitably we all face stressful situations stemming from our work life, however it is something that should not be ignored. Some ways to reduce stress include focused deep breathing exercises, simply taking a walk, and partaking in leisure activities.

Receive Regular Chiropractic Care

Postural problems related to sitting for long periods of time are some of the most common ailments that all chiropractors will regularly treat. People who work in an office setting, and ones who now work from home, can typically benefit from receiving regular chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic care involves using a broad range of techniques to ensure that the spine is in alignment, which also helps in keeping the rest of your bodily functions working properly and effectively. Many of the aches and pains you might be experiencing from your desk job can be addressed through regular sessions and adjustments with a chiropractor. Our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson has over 30 years of professional experience treating ailments stemming from the workplace environment. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment, we highly encourage you to reach out to us. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints, which can cause pain, discomfort, and stiffness throughout the joints and the body. Common symptoms of arthritis include swelling, joint pain and stiffness, and decreased range of motion — all of which typically worsen with age. Arthritis is a common disease that more than 3 million Americans are diagnosed with yearly, yet it is still a misunderstood disease. There are multiple types of the disease with ranges in severity, making it one of the leading causes of disability in America.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help:

  • Reduces Inflammation: Joint pain occurs because of joint inflammation. While pain medications have the ability to alleviate the pain temporarily, they do not directly deal with the source of said pain. The intent of chiropractic care is to directly treat the source of pain. The therapeutic methods of chiropractic treatment aim to increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation.
  • Flexibility: Chiropractic care can also stretch your muscles and tissues by administering a limited amount of force manually or by means of an instrument. Chiropractors deliver a gentle, non-invasive, non-addictive therapy, known as a chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments reduce joint restrictions or misalignments in the spine and other joints in the body, thus reducing inflammation and increasing range of motion.
  • Removes soreness: A chiropractor will make adjustments to the neck or spine to reduce joint inflammation, improve joint functioning and alleviate pain. Oftentimes this is accompanied by massage techniques to provide further relief of soreness from arthritis. 
  • No Side Effects: Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to treating and caring for the body. Chiropractic practitioners will first examine a new patient’s medical history and perform a physical exam before consulting with the patient. This will lead to a decision regarding the course of action that is appropriate for the patient. 

Chiropractic care can be a great option for managing and relieving pain caused by arthritis. Routine chiropractic care provides those who deal with arthritis a safe, non-invasive, and non-addictive alternative to prescription opioids or over-the-counter pain medications which are commonly prescribed to patients to help them manage their pain. Chiropractors do not seek to simply suppress pain, but rather they seek to directly treat the source of pain. If you feel as if you can benefit from chiropractic care to treat arthritis and joint pain, we urge you to make an appointment with us. Our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson has over 30 years of professional chiropractic experience. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Tips For Stress Relief

Chronic stress can be a contributing factor to many major diseases and health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Stress is a common part of life, and many people in American society suffer from chronic stress every day. Stress may be common, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, and that we should continue to ignore it. Stress can have a serious negative effect on your overall health and wellness when you’re feeling overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to have effective ways to relieve it, to help calm both your body and mind. 

Focus on Deep Breathing – Breathing techniques can be a great and effective way to control your overall stress level. Within just a few minutes, breathing can help to calm your mind and body. A common technique includes breathing in through your nose and feeling your belly fill with air. Count slowly to three as you inhale. Hold for one second and then slowly breathe out through your nose as you count to three again.

Taking a Walk – Exercise is another great way to relieve stress, and it can begin to work within a few minutes. Whether you need to get up from your office for a while to escape the stresses of the workplace, or take a stroll to your local park after work, walking is a fantastic way to reset your mind. It also carries the benefit of added exercise, which will help improve physical well being. 

Partake in Leisure Activities – Many of us find ourselves feeling too busy and too overwhelmed with the constraints of our daily lives leaving us with less time to enjoy things that we like to do. However, partaking in leisure activities and hobbies can be another excellent way to reduce stress. Finding ways to set time aside in our daily schedules can be a key to helping yourself feel the best, and when you feel better you might find yourself functioning better on a daily basis. 

If you feel like you deal with chronic stress on a regular basis, and could benefit from chiropractic care, we may be able to help. Our Duluth Chiropractor Dr. Robert Torgimson has over 30 years of experience treating stress related conditions. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Car Accident Tips from your Chiropractor

Car accidents are an unfortunate part of life that most of us will eventually experience, and while the vast majority of accidents are not serious, they can still cause lasting effects to our health and well-being. Back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain can result from car accidents. These injuries have the potential to linger and transform into chronic conditions that last for longer periods of time. Following these tips from your Duluth Chiropractor can help minimize these effects, and guide you towards a more healthy well-being. 

Prevention is Key

Avoiding car accidents altogether is the most significant way to ensure that you remain injury-free. Obviously, certain car accidents can’t be avoided, but you can take some measures to reduce the likelihood of them occurring. Avoiding tendencies that can lead to distractions behind the wheel, such as texting while driving, can help you to avoid trouble on the road. This is likely the most practical advice to keep yourselves, and others, out of harm’s way and avoiding serious injury. It’s also a bad idea to get behind the wheel when you are tired, upset, or angry. Experiencing strong emotions or struggling to stay awake while operating a motor vehicle is another way that can lead to disturbances on the road. Always make sure you get the proper amount of sleep so that you feel refreshed and alert while driving a motor vehicle.

Healthy Bodies Heal Quicker

Keeping your body in good physical health is another way in which you can avoid serious lingering effects from car accidents. If you are able to maintain a good level of fitness, and your body is strong and flexible, you’ll have a much easier time recovering from most car accidents. That isn’t to say you should expect to get into a car accident, but along with its other benefits, a healthy body will also help you in this regard. Any sort of regular exercise that helps strengthen your muscles and improves flexibility is useful for keeping your physical condition in good condition.

Get Your Injuries Checked Immediately

Whether you are in great shape, poor shape, or somewhere in between, it’s always important to get your injuries checked out as soon as possible after a car accident. If you wait, scar tissue can potentially become a permanent part of your muscles and tendons, reducing your range of motion and causing further pain. If you don’t feel that your injuries warrant a trip to the emergency room, consider an appointment with our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson. He has over 30 years of professional experience treating injuries sustained from auto accidents. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

How a Chiropractor Can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

As technology has become more intertwined in our everyday lives, people who work at desks are the most common folks to experience carpal tunnel symptoms. Typing with strained wrist flexion and additional lack of support is one of the most regular causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Other professions that require repetitive type wrist motion are also prone to this type of injury, such as chefs or drivers. The first step in combating CTS is by addressing the functional design of the work station. This can be done by providing support to the wrist at a keyboard, and making sure your chair is the correct height in proportion to the desk. 

Why is CTS so painful?

Your median nerve is being crushed in between inflamed ligaments when you are experiencing CTS. What is a nerve? A nerve carries information from your surrounding environment back to your brain. This information can sometimes cause you to feel pain, as is the case with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Have you ever put your hand too close to a hot stove? Your sensory nerves are responsible for carrying this painful signal back to your brain. Your motor nerves tell your hand to move away quickly. But, what happens when you can’t move your hand away from a painful signal? That’s right, the situation only gets worse, and is what happens with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. When you experience chronic pain, and it continually worsens, your body feels helpless and defends itself with an inflammatory response.

How a Chiropractor can help

Chiropractors can provide non-invasive treatments that may alleviate symptoms and improve function of the areas of your body affected by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Common techniques used by chiropractors to treat CTS include laser, ultrasound, or shockwave therapy. Based on the severity of symptoms, use of a wrist splint may be prescribed. Early detection and diagnosis are highly recommended in order to determine the best course of treatment for you. Our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson has over 30 years of professional experience treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you feel as if you may be experiencing symptoms related to CTS, we urge you to schedule an appointment with us. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

How Regular Chiropractic Adjustments Can Improve Your Health

There are many different ways in which regular chiropractic adjustments can positively affect your health and daily lifestyle. While the list can go on and on, we will focus on just a few of the various structural and physiological changes that occur in the body when you undergo regular chiropractic adjustments. 

One of the most beneficial aspects of chiropractic adjustments is that it can improve the range of motion in your joints. On a structural level, a chiropractic adjustment addresses spinal joints that are subluxated, which means that they are not moving through the full range of motion that is intended for that joint. When a joint is sublaxated, it also means that there is increased tension being put on muscles associated with the bones that are part of the joint. This additional decrease in motion can cause a decrease in ability of the muscle to function optimally. When the chiropractic adjustment is performed, the joint motions become increased or in some cases fully restored. The increase in muscle function results from a decrease in muscle tension, a repositioning of a muscle, or increased information from the brain. A chiropractic adjustment typically involves a quick thrust to the joint that helps restore the range of motion. 

There are also positive physiological effects that can occur as the result of receiving chiropractic adjustments. Physiological effects refer to the healthy, normal functioning of processes within the body. A physiological behavior of the body that adjustments address is the flow and function of the nervous system. The brain communicates to the entire body by sending messages down the spinal cord and through the nerves to every operating structure and organ within the body. These same parts of the body also send information back through the nerves and spine, to the brain. You essentially live your life through, and depend on the proper functionality of the nervous system, which is why it’s important to maintain it and keep it in good condition. When the spine is not moving and working properly, it is acceptable to think that the nervous system which is housed and protected within may become affected in a negative way. A chiropractic adjustment can once again restore the range of motion, which in turn will increase the overall health, and even more importantly, will improve the flow of the nervous system.

As previously mentioned, chiropractic adjustments can have an even greater impact on your health than you may realize. Increased joint motion, improved muscle function, decreased inflammation, and improved nervous system function make the effects even more noticeable and applicable to your daily life. If you feel as if you can benefit from regularly scheduled chiropractic care, we urge you to make an appointment with us. Our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson has over 30 years of professional chiropractic experience. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Myths About Chiropractic Care

Over the last few decades, chiropractic therapy has become more widely accepted by the conventional medical community. Unfortunately, there are still some pervasive myths and misconceptions that affect the public’s view and understanding of chiropractic care. Often times, individuals are hesitant to seek out the help of a chiropractor because of these myths, and by doing so, they could be preventing themselves from getting more beneficial treatments for their conditions. 

Myth #1: Chiropractors do not undergo a significant amount of training

One of the most common misconceptions about chiropractors do not spend as much time training in comparison to traditional doctors and other health professionals. However, chiropractors typically complete 8 years of higher education before they are licensed. Chiropractors tend to have 4 years of undergraduate education, and often graduate with a pre-med major after having taken courses in sciences, such as biology, chemistry, psychology, and physics. They then attend a chiropractic graduate program. On average, these involve 4 years of education with a total of 4,200 instructional hours in course credits. Our Duluth chiropractor Robert Torgrimson attended Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1975 embarking upon a rigorous course of study including four years of intensive education after college.

Myth #2: Chiropractors only treat back pain

Though most widely known for treating spinal disorders, chiropractic services are used to resolve or manage a variety of health conditions for more than 35 million Americans annually, according to the American Chiropractic Association. Among many other ailments, chiropractic treatment is also useful for treating things such as headaches/migraines, stress, sports injuries, and carpal tunnel. Chiropractic physicians also provide preventative care to help establish healthy habits for individuals. For example, posture analysis can help identify posture habits that can greatly impact overall health, including energy levels, breathing, stress and sleep.

Myth #3: Chiropractic adjustments are dangerous (include conclusion in this one)

Chiropractic medicine is a natural and safe alternative to other treatments, including conventional pain management such as steroids, anti-inflammatory medication and surgery, which are associated with risks, side effects and complications. In fact, chiropractic services are less invasive than many other forms of medicine, and numerous studies have proven their safety and effectiveness for patients of all ages. Dr. Torgimson has over 30 years of chiropractic experience, and may be able to help you. If you feel like you might have a health issue that could be treated through chiropractic care, consider scheduling a consultation with your Duluth chiropractor at Associated Chiropractic Physicians. You can schedule an appointment with us today by calling (218) 728-3686, we look forward to assisting you!

woman stretching before workout

Exercising After An Injury

When your muscles and joints are strained and feel sore due to an injury, the thought of exercising could feel like a poor idea. Although a full and strenuous workout could potentially worsen your condition, moderate exercise could be just what you need to begin the healing process. We are often provided with the notion that we should “take it easy” when we are dealing with an injury, but this might not always be what’s best for your recovery. After spending a week or two on the couch, your muscles stiffen, scar tissue grows, and moving becomes more difficult. Completing your everyday tasks now feel harder and more demanding to complete than they did before. The truth is that exercise may actually help ease aches and pains while also reducing the length of your recovery.

Exercise Helps:

  • Improve Circulation
  • Prevent a Re-Injury
  • Keep Your Muscles and Joints Limber and Flexible
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Decrease Scar Tissue Formation
  • Strengthen the Muscles That Support Your Joints
  • Improve Range of Motion
  • Enhance Balance

Exercise after an injury generally involves gently working the injured area or keeping other areas of your body mobile and flexible if it’s too soon to exercise a sore muscle or joint. For example if you hurt your ankle, focus on upper body exercises for a couple of days. Once your chiropractor approves, try adding walking, strengthening, or low-impact aerobic exercises to your workout regimen. If back pain is the problem, exercises that don’t apply any stress to your back or abdominal muscles can help your muscles and joints stay loose. Swimming, walking or riding a stationary bike are great exercises that can elevate your heart rate, improve blood flow, and increase mobility and range of motion.

Always check in with your chiropractor before you begin exercising after an injury. He or she can advise you when it’s safe to start working out again and recommend specific exercises. Our Duluth Chiropractor Dr. Torgimson has over 30 years of experience treating injury related conditions. If you feel like you have an injury, and could benefit from chiropractic care, we may be able to help. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we look forward to helping you!

Featured Image: “Woman Stretching Before Workout” by Andrea Piacquadio

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

How A Chiropractor Can Help Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments that people face, and finding the right relief is no easy task. Modern chiropractic treatment is based on the assumption that back pain is caused by misalignment of the spine. Spinal manipulation involves physical pushing, pulling, and methodical repositioning of the head, shoulders, neck, back, or hips to help alleviate back pain. Many people choose to see a chiropractor about their back pain. In fact, an estimated 27 million Americans are evaluated and treated by a chiropractor each year, mostly for back pain relief, according to a 2015 National Institutes of Health report.

Chiropractic medicine is a natural and safe alternative to other treatments, including conventional pain management such as steroids, anti-inflammatory medication and surgery, which are associated with risks, side effects and complications. In fact, chiropractic services are less invasive than many other forms of medicine, and numerous studies have proven their safety and effectiveness for patients of all ages.

Spinal manipulation is typically most effective when combined with more traditional therapies to treat back pain, such as:

  • Heat and cold therapies
  • Massage
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Electrical stimulation or ultrasound
  • Exercise and stretching
  • Patient education

If you are someone that finds themselves dealing with back pain, and feel like chiropractic care might benefit you, our Duluth Chiropractor Robert Torgrimson may be able to help. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we have over 30 years of chiropractic experience and look forward to helping you!

Associated Chiropractic Physicians

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Adults

As we age, we are far more likely to experience pain or injury due to conditions such as arthritis or natural wear and tear of discs and joints. Maintaining comfort and mobility can become increasingly difficult and finding a reliable source of relief is not so easy. The need for effective care to promote proper well-being will only grow over time. The American population of older adults is expected to grow by 135% between the years 2000 and 2050, with those over the age of 85 growing by 350%.  However, just because our nation is getting older, it doesn’t mean that we have to feel the effects of aging so decidedly. 

Why Older Adults Should Choose Chiropractic Care:

It’s Less Invasive- Chiropractic care offers the ability to address pain, tightness, and discomfort through methods that require no downtime on the part of the patient. 

It’s Effective- Studies have found time and time again that chiropractic care effectively relieves back pain and even helps patients avoid surgical intervention.

It’s Holistic- Unlike traditional medicine, chiropractic is holistic and focuses on the patient’s well-being as a whole.  Rather than concentrating strictly on relieving pain, chiropractors will work to identify the true source of discomfort, while also addressing elements such as lifestyle, diet, and exercise. 

Finding an appropriate and effective means of maintaining health and wellness in an aging population is a difficult task. If you are an older adult, who thinks that they might benefit from chiropractic care, our Duluth chiropractor Robert Torgrimson may be able to help. You can contact Associated Chiropractic Physicians at (218) 728-3686, we have over 30 years of chiropractic experience and look forward to helping you