Opening Hours
- Monday8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Tuesday8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Wednesday8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Thursday8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Friday8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- SaturdayCLOSED
- SundayCLOSED
Patient Forms
Upon entering our office for the first time, you will be asked to fill out a few forms giving the doctors an idea of your specific needs and concerns. Many of these forms are required by the insurance carriers. For your convenience, these forms are provided on this website located in the New Patient Center or you can fill them out in the office. We ask that you arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill out this paperwork.

Patient Health History Assessment
At your initial visit to the office you will meet with one of our terrific doctors to review your health history. This is your opportunity to share what you believe is preventing you from performing at your best.
A comprehensive examination will follow to test your reflexes and range of motion as well as specific neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical examinations. X-rays may be necessary to determine the root cause of your complaints and a proper care plan. This process from start to finish may take up to 45 minutes.
Report of Findings
You will be scheduled for a complete report of findings to review the results of the initial evaluation. Your report of findings includes a detailed analysis of your X-Rays (if taken) and what can be done to treat or correct your current conditions. It is encouraged that you invite your spouse or another family member to this appointment.
Moving Forward
If our doctor accepts you as a patient, you may wish to proceed with the doctor's recommended care plan. Your treatment will differ depending the specific conditions you are being treated for, but will include some or all of the following:
- Manual adjustment
- Instrument adjustment (Activator)
- physical therapies (muscle stimulation, ultrasound, kinesiotaping, rapid release therapy, low-level laser therapy, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, etc.)
- postural correction
- nutritional counseling, detox, weight loss
- exercise instructions
Maximizing YOUR Care
The doctor will make suggestions to maximize your health goals and achieve the best results possible. You will be scheduled to attend our New Patient Workshop, although it is not mandatory, we believe it will make you a healthier individual and more likely to achieve your health goals. Following these instructions will help you heal faster.
It is important to keep your appointments as the doctor recommends them, as each visit builds on the last. Our purpose is for you to achieve your health goals by maintaining your spinal health through regular chiropractic adjustments, patient education, a healthy diet, consistent exercise and maintaining a positive attitude.